Elaboration of amendments and substrates for productive and didactic purposes in an urban vegetable waste composting plant in the UNC


  • A. Ringuelet National University of Córdoba. Faculty of Agricultural Sciences. Córdoba, Argentina.
  • A. del C. Rollán National University of Córdoba. Faculty of Agricultural Sciences. Córdoba, Argentina.
  • J. Koritschoner National University of Córdoba. Faculty of Agricultural Sciences. Córdoba, Argentina.
  • V. Blarduni Independent Agricultural Engineer
  • L. Vargas National University of Córdoba. Córdoba, Argentina.


Compost, composting, substrate, amendment, organic fertilizer


In the University City of Cordoba, Argentina, organic waste is recycled from the maintenance of green areas from 2012, and canteens from 2015. The first ones (Chip) are chopped and stowed during several months. Organic waste (Vegetables) is mixed with Chip, in a ratio of 1:2 v/v, and composted. This recycling reduces economic and environmental costs, generates valuable products and serves as didactic material for students of Gardening and Floriculture of the FCA-UNC. The chemical, physical and maturity characterization of the two products obtained shows that a product of good agronomic quality is obtained, but for different uses. Both have low salt content and alkaline pH. The physical characteristics are similar, except for the granulometry, which is finer in compost. According to the data obtained the compost (Chip + Vegetables) is considered suitable for substrate. The Chip could only be used in more diluted proportions, as an amendment. Actions to improve efficiency are suggested.


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Reports of results/advances

How to Cite

Elaboration of amendments and substrates for productive and didactic purposes in an urban vegetable waste composting plant in the UNC. (2019). Nexo Agropecuario, 7(1), 53-61. https://revistas.psi.unc.edu.ar/index.php/nexoagro/article/view/26063