Evaluation of sesame performance (Sesamum indicum L.) variety ¨White Broom¨ under different planting dates and densities.


  • Roberto Andrés Zanvettor Egresado de FCA-UNC


Keywords: Sesamum indicum L., date and density of planting, semi-arid central region of Cordoba.


The objective of this work was to analyze the effect of the date and density of planting on agronomic behavior in a sesame crop conducted in dry land in the central region of the province of Córdoba. The trial was carried out during the 2018-2019 agricultural campaign in the Experimental Area of the Field School of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences (UNC). The Sesame White Broom variety was grown on the following four planting dates: September 29, October 27, November 30, and December 30, 2018. On each date, two planting densities were used, 8 m-2 plants and 12 m-2 plants. From the harvest of the central groove of each plot, the following variables were measured or estimated: grain yield (kg m-2), weight of 1000 grains (g) and number of grains per m2. Hail occurred on February 11, 2019 impacted on the duration of the different phenological stages in sesame cultivation. If we look at the extreme planting dates (September 27 and November 30) it was observed that the growing cycle was shortened by 25 days. Having excepted for the damage by hail, it can be said that with the first two planting dates (end of September and the end of October) yields above the ton of grain per hectare were achieved. Beyond the hail damage suffered by the sesame crop on the occasion of being evaluated on three dates and with two stocking densities, it can be said that the yields achieved in the semi-arid central region of the province of Córdoba do not detract from those achieved in other regions of the world and that densities above 12 plants per square meter should be explored.


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Reports of results/advances

How to Cite

Evaluation of sesame performance (Sesamum indicum L.) variety ¨White Broom¨ under different planting dates and densities. (2020). Nexo Agropecuario, 8(1), 102-107. https://revistas.psi.unc.edu.ar/index.php/nexoagro/article/view/28688