Acutemyocardialinfarction, nursing, epidemiology, angioplasty, AgrastatAbstract
Summary: Acutemyocardialinfarction (AMI) represents the third cause ofmorbidity and mortality in the country. Having information about the reality of this entity in the institution is of the utmost importance as a starting point for the development of prevention policies, as well as improving the treatment, care and quality of patientcare. Objective: To determine the epidemiological profile of the population that is being treated with Tirofiban during acute myocardialinfarction (AMI). Materials and methods: A retrospective study of the medical records of patients whoreceived treatment for a cutemyocardialinfarction. A total of 76 clinical histories we restudied, in which the medical evolutions, nursing assessments and the record soft the Hemodynamics Service were analyzed. The search was directed to compare and analyze antecedents and report son the evolution of the patient documented in nursing records. Results:The average age of the patients was 57 ± 11 years. Hypertension (60.52%) and smoking (48.68%) were the most prevalent modifiable factors; the reperfusion rate was higherthan 94% of the patients, of which 26.78% had primary coronary transluminal angioplasty (CTPA) with Tirofiban as adjuvant, with a prehospital delay of 162 minutes and an 83-minute gateto-balloon time. The main intrahospital complications were arterial hypotension and minorhemorrhages, mostly associated with arterial punctures. Conclusions: Of the patients subjected to CTPA with Tirofiban as coadjuvant, the male sex predominated, and hypertension and dyslipidemia were found asthemain risk factors. The delays in the treatment are important and there are points to improve, they were detected in 46.06% of the cases and are linked in part to the ignorance of the population, this is a modifiable point that can be improved with awareness and education measures on the importance of going to a health center immediately when symptoms related to AMI appear. Hemorrhages and hypotension were the most frequent complications, constant monitoring and the rapid action of nursing were fundamental to treat and normalize them.
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