Emotional safety that provides nursing to patients in the coronary unit service
Emotional Safety, Patient, Nursing, Coronary Care Units, Mastectomy por cáncer, dándole una trascendentalAbstract
From the moment a disease is diagnosed whose treatment will require a hospital admission, Both the patient and his or her family members are involved in a process during which they may experience various emotional alterations. The objective of this work is to determine the emotional support of the nurse in relation to the demand of patients in the coronary unit service. Methodology: The study was descriptive, observational and prospective. The population was composed of all the nursing staff of operational level, of the three shifts in the coronary unit service of a private institution in the city of Córdoba. (N: 20). The dimensions studied were to link, communication, technical and environmental expertise. Conclusion is noted that care is the essence of the nursing, the emotional security must be intervened in order to achieve to improve the comfort and safety in the period of hospitalization of the patients and their families.Downloads
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