Characteristics of renal transplant patients with delayed graft function, assisted in the intensive therapy service of the Institute of current Cardiology between 2016 and 2018
Renal Insufficiency, Kidney Transplantation, Tissue DonorsAbstract
This research was intended to describe the characteristics of renal transplant patients with delayed graft function. Descriptive, transversal and observational study. Population: assisted renal transplants at the Institute of Current Cardiology between 2016 and 2018 that met the inclusion criteria. Own form was used; the data were obtained from review of medical record.
The information collected was scanned by computer Epidat_4.2. The institution's committee was endorsed. 61 transplanted
patients were studied; 43% belonged to living donors and 57% to cadaveric. 66% of cadaveric donors had delayed graft function, those from living donors did not present it. In terms of sex 48% of males had delayed function; women was 28%. In age of patients, the average was 40.6 years x 15.7; the increased frequency of function delays was observed in the age group of 31 to 50 years with 44%. As for nutritional status 17% who were overweight and 48% underweight were delayed graft function. Depending on the years on pre-transplant dialysis, 65% of those with 4 to 7 years of dialysis had delayed graft function. According to cold ischemia time of the transplanted organ, 52% had delayed graft function when the time was greater than 15 hours. At the request of postoperative dialysis, 66% had delayed graft function and belonged to cadaveric donors. In renal vascular resistance index in the first 24 hours, 65% with delay of graft function had pathological index. In conclusion, male sex, age group of 31 to 50 years, having altered nutritional status, having dialed pre transplant between 4 to 7 years, suffering a prolonged time of cold ischemia > 15 hours and present a pathological renal vascular resistance index, are present characteristics; renal transplants with delayed graft function; and need to be taken into account when planning these surgeries.
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