Sociodemographic peculiarities of people with assisted suicide attempts between 2017 and 2018 in Corrientes capital
suicide attempt, suicide, psychiatryAbstract
The objective of the workwasto describe the sociodemographic characteristics of the patients whoat tempted suicide and were admitted to a mental health hospital in 2017 and 2018. The design was observational, descriptive, and crosssectional. The population was 80 patient sattended in the study period, from which 65 analysis units were extracted. Greater suicide attempt was observed in women (58%). Regarding the age group, it was classified according to the WHO adolescent from 12 to 19 year sold, young adult from 20 to 39 year sold, adult from 40 to 59 year sold and adult older than 60 or more years, higherpercentages were observed in young adults (44 %) and adolescents (22%). According to the instruction, 57% presented an acceptable schooling. Regarding occupation, 49.2% had no stable job, of this 72% were temporary activities and 28% unemployed. In physical injuries and sequelae, 70% presented them, with men being the most affected (89%). Regarding the sequelae, 52.31% presented definitive and temporary, being the greatest number in men (80%). Regarding the number of methods used, 83% resorted to only one method and the most used was for sharp objects (35%). In the months of occurrence, it was observed that the highest number of cases (13%) occurred in April. By grouping suicide attempts according to the season, spring was more frequent with 30% of the patients.
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