Pain assessment for the patient in the adult therapy unit
pain, critical patient, neurological scale, pain scaleAbstract
the retrospective historical view of pain positions us in front of its coexistence with humanity. Each culture had its own way of dealing with it, giving it meaning, and taking its relief measures. Science, from its place, has developed concepts explaining reasons and origins of its presence. The medical sciences in their desire to alleviate people's ailments, developed pain assessment scales. In intensive therapies, where the patient's state of consciousness varies according to the need that occurs in order to resolve their pathology or the reason for admission to this service, it is necessary to assess their neurological status in order to accurately determine the scale of pain assessment that provides the most timely result according to the precise moment. Due to the care carried out by the nursing professional with the internees, it is he who stays with them the longest; being able to cultivate a deeper interpersonal relationship, and due to which, not only collaborate in the relief of pain, but also, if necessary, help it find meaning to it, in the words of Travelbee. In order to implement this idea, the objective of this protocol, the following objective is defined: "Agree and implement the adequate and continuous use of pain scales, in the adult intensive care patient, according to their degree of consciousness, in order to reduce pain during your hospital stay."
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