Caracteristics of non-intencional domestic injuries in children between 5 and 10 years old who live in neighborhoods of Corrientes Capital, 2022
unintentional injury, Child, Preschool, primary caregivers, Housing, Accidents, HomeAbstract
Objectives: to characterize unintentional domestic injuries at home in children from 5 to 10 years old in two neighborhoods of Corrientes, Capital in the first semester of 2022. Methodology: observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study. Consecutive type sampling. The total sample consisted of 185 surveys applied to the main caregivers in a period not exceeding 6 months. Variables: age of the caregiver; caregiver's sex; educational level of the main caregiver; age and sex of children; unintentional injury and its frequency; circumstances in which unintentional injuries occur and mode of action in the event of unintentional injury. Results: age group of the main caregivers of children with unintentional injuries were young adults (78%), with the predominant gender being female (78%); highest level of education obtained corresponds to incomplete tertiary (28%); 5-year-old children presented more unintentional injuries (27%), with a predominance of the female gender (57%). The injuries occurred mainly when they were playing (58%) and were mainly abrasions (20%); The mode of action most used by the main caregivers corresponded to first aid and subsequent transfer to the hospital (29%). Conclusions: unintentional domestic injuries are very frequent, including abrasions, burns and bruises. There are no great variations in its types and frequencies depending on the neighborhood where the affected infants live. The most used mode of action by the caregiver responsible for these injuries is first aid and transfer to a hospital or home care without resorting to a health center.
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