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Author Guidelines


To submit, please read the Instructions for Authors

Pathos is an academic journal created by the Chair of Psychopathology I of the Faculty of Psychology at the National University of Córdoba. Its content is oriented by Lacanian psychoanalysis and the interlocution with other discourses.

It is an annual publication on a specific theme and has a space for the dissemination of free-themed works.

Each year an open call for papers will be launched to incorporate works that must be uploaded to the OJS platform of scientific and academic journals as a prerequisite. To submit, please read the Instructions for Authors prepared by the journal.

If you want to upload the article directly to the Pathos OJS platform, please follow the guidelines below.

All originals that comply with the editorial and ethical standards upheld by the journal, and that are accepted by the Editorial Committee are evaluated by experienced referees, external to the editorial board, maintaining the anonymity of the author and the evaluator in a double-blind process. If a submission is not accepted by the Editorial Board, the article will not continue with the evaluation process. Once the article has been evaluated, the reviewer's task will be to recommend its publication or not.

For more information on the submission and evaluation process, we suggest you read the Instructions for Authors.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The shipment is original, it has not been published before.
  • The editorial standards stipulated by Pathos Magazine have been respected.
  • The submission complies with the ethical standards for research, dissemination and publication developed by international and national organisations.
  • The file to be sent is in .doc format.
  • The file has NO author data, to allow anonymous evaluation of the article.

Free Thematic

The journal has a space for the presentation of papers of free themes, which is intended for articles that propose to think about different topics not related to the proposal of the present call, proposed by the authors, around Freudian and Lacanian psychoanalysis.


Every year, Pathos Academic Journal launches a call for papers for its Dossier, whose themes deal with Lacanian psychoanalysis in its articulation with other discourses. It is our proposal to update the discussions on these topics, through the publication of several original works on the subject. 

Privacy Statement


By submitting their articles, authors accept the following conditions:

1- Authors will retain their copyright.

2- To grant Pathos Journal the first publication of the article, under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 licence.

3- To grant Pathos Journal the permission to publish their articles, which implies the total or partial reproduction of the material sent to the journal, using the means currently known and those that may be developed in the future.

Privacy Statement

The names and e-mail addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes stated by this journal and will not be made available to any other purpose or person.