Edges between the ghost and its beyond: A Freudian reading.


  • Gerardo Battista Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA)


Fantasy, linked drive, masochism, unbound drive, fragment of free aggression, real


In this article we will take a brief tour of the last escalation of Freud's work in regard to the nuclearconcept of drive. Border concept between the psychic and the somatic that will allow us to retrace theexperience of Other than the meaning. To do this, we will try to line the coastline between the linkedand unlinked drive. That is to say, we will delineate the edge between the symbolized and the non-symbolized enjoyment.


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How to Cite

Edges between the ghost and its beyond: A Freudian reading. (2019). Pathos, 1(1), 15-21. https://revistas.psi.unc.edu.ar/index.php/pathos/article/view/27160