Between Angst and Repetition: What Does Not Deceive


  • Andrea Viviana Berger Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA)
  • Gabriel Racki Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA)


Angst, desire, jouissance, repetition, real


This paper sets out to develop the connection between two central concepts of the analytical experience: repetition and angst. Both have been extensively explored separately, but they have not been studied enough in their connection, which gives this investigation its unprecedented character. We shall start from the guidelines set out by Lacan in one of his Seminar classes titled "The four fundamental concepts of Psychoanalysis" (Lacan, 2012 [1964]). It is a response to a question from the audience referred to what does not deceive. The unavoidable reference to Kierkegaard fittingly anticipates the connection between the two concepts, which shall be explored from the perspective of the encounter between the subject and the reality of desire, the body and the iteration of suffering. We thus come to the conclusion that these two concepts function as indisputable compasses in the work of the analyst and their ethics.


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Author Biographies

  • Andrea Viviana Berger, Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA)

    Psychoanalyst. Member of the School of Lacanian Orientation and the World Association of Psychoanalysis (EOL-AMP).

    Master’s Degree in Psychoanalytic Clinic (UNSAM).

    Director of the Specialization Program in Adult Clinic (UNLP).

    Adjunct Professor of Psychopathology - Chair I (UBA).

    Researcher in UBACYT projects (UBA).

    Faculty member at the Clinical Institute of Buenos Aires (ICdeBA) and the Master’s Program in Psychoanalytic Clinic (IDAES - UNSAM).

    Supervisor of various residency programs.

    Author of numerous publications and the book Angst Between the Praying Mantis and the Dark Belly of the Spider (Grama, 2022).

  • Gabriel Racki, Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA)

    Psychoanalyst. Member of the School of Lacanian Orientation and the World Association of Psychoanalysis (EOL-AMP).
    Master’s Degree in Psychoanalytic Clinic (UNSAM).
    Faculty member of the Specialization Program in Adult Clinic (UNLP).
    Lecturer in the MATSPIL program at UNC.
    Faculty member of the Diploma in Psychoanalytic Clinic at UNR.
    Head of Practical Work for Psychopathology - Chair I (UBA).
    Researcher in UBACYT projects (UBA).
    Faculty member at the Clinical Institute of Buenos Aires (ICdeBA) and the Master’s Program in Psychoanalytic Clinic (IDAES - UNSAM).
    Supervisor of various residency programs.
    Author of numerous publications and the book Analytic Clinic of Repetition: Between Logic and Poetry (Grama, 2024).


Berger, A. (2018). Psicoanálisis, hijo ilegítimo de la ciencia. Revista Lacaniana de Psicoanálisis (24).

Berger, A. (2022). La angustia…: entre la mantis religiosa y el vientre oscuro de la araña. Olivos: Grama.

Kierkegaard, S. (2010). La Repetición. Buenos Aires: JCE Ediciones.

Kierkegaard, S. (1984). El concepto de la angustia. Buenos Aires: Ediciones Orbis. Hyspamerica.

Lacan, J. [1965-1966] (2013). La ciencia y la verdad. Escritos 2. Buenos Aires: Siglo Veintiuno.

Lacan, J. [1962-1963] (2005). El Seminario: libro 10: La angustia. Buenos Aires: Paidós.

Lacan, J. [1964] (2012). El Seminario: libro 11: los cuatro conceptos fundamentales del psicoanálisis. Buenos Aires: Paidós.

Lacan, J. [1974] (2015). La tercera. Revista Lacaniana de Psicoanálisis (18).

Racki, G. (2019). De la repetición al florecimiento. Revista Lacaniana de Psicoanálisis N 27. Buenos Aires: Grama-EOL.

Racki, G. (2024). Clínica analítica de la repetición. Entre lógica y poesía. Buenos Aires: Grama. En prensa







How to Cite

Between Angst and Repetition: What Does Not Deceive. (2024). Pathos, 6, 12-18.