Simulated evaluation of the impact of an urban real estate development


  • Alejandro Ambrosini Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, físicas y Naturales



Modelos de Simulación, Emprendimiento Urbano, Impacto


The evaluation of the project of an Urban Real Estate development in the context of the complex city of the 21st century constitutes a study that exceeds the normative planning and the static evaluation. The proposed methodology seeks through the coupling of three types of models: systemic, precursor and simulation, integrate data and forecast possible scenarios reflecting the dynamism of the changes that occur during the life-cycle of an urban real estate project. The theoretical foundations recognize their roots in the General Theory of Systems, the Theory of Discrete Events applied to Architecture, recognizing a systemic vision applied to projects. The result obtained from the application of this methodology allows the visualization of the evolution of the most significant variables, by the different social actors affected, being able to foresee undesired effects that could be caused and in this way avoid costly modifications or malfunctions during the life cycle of an Urban Real Estate Entrepreneurship. The proposed methodology was applied to two cases of study that allowed detecting anomalies and the appearance of counterintuitive systems not detected initially.


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How to Cite

Simulated evaluation of the impact of an urban real estate development. (2018). PENSUM, 4(4).