Freedom as the meaning of politics: the republican of Hannah Arendt and Alexis de Tocqueville


  • Sabrina Morán IIGG-UBA/CONICET


Arendt, Tocqueville, Freedom, Republicanism


This article proposes a dialogue on freedom as the meaning of politics between the Tocqueville of Democracy in America and Hannah Arendt's On Revolution. It proposes to identify certain traits of republicanism in both thinkers of revolution and freedom. Taking into account the ex-post link between this work by Arendt and the revival of republicanism in the 1970s in the heat of historiographical revisionism on the American Revolution, this text is divided into three sections. The first section deals with the status of liberty in Alexis de Tocqueville's opus magnum, emphasizing its relationship with the republic, democracy, and equality. The second section analyzes Arendt's interpretation of the American revolution, based on his definitions of politics, liberty, equality, isonomy, among other central concepts of her work; the objective is to shed light on Tocqueville's influence on Arendt's interpretation of the revolution. The third section reflects on the possibility of thinking of Arendt and Tocqueville as political theorists of republicanism, knowing Arendt's reluctance to be classified in any theoretical current and Tocqueville's classic inscription in democratic liberalism.


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Studies and Notes - Dossier

How to Cite

Freedom as the meaning of politics: the republican of Hannah Arendt and Alexis de Tocqueville. (2023). Pescadora De Perlas. Revista De Estudios Arendtianos, 2(2), 145-169.