Feminism and Hannah Arendt: a coasting voyage


  • Fina Birulés Seminario Filosofia i Gènere-ADHUC (UB)


Occult Tradition, Women's Philosophical Thought, Feminist Theory, Political Freedom


Based on the experience of the work of the Seminari "Filosofia i Gènere" of the University of Barcelona to carry out research on the work of women philosophers, this article shows how the reading of Arendt provides useful heuristic tools to approach the history of feminine thought, as well as illuminating the path that feminist theory has taken to re-signify political freedom and feminine subjectivity. The article is divided into four parts: In the first, "A hidden tradition?", Arendt's notion is used as a way of addressing the relations between women philosophers born on the threshold of the twentieth century. The second and the "insurrectional feminism" of the 1970s and the last quarter of the 20th century provide a useful conceptual network for locating women's political freedom and for distinguishing between liberation and freedom and between equality and homogeneity. Finally, "Arendt and the Ambiguities of Female Emancipation" briefly looks at Arendt's relationship to the feminist movement of her time and highlights how later feminism has paradoxically been one of the driving forces behind the re-reading of her political theory.


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Studies and Notes - Dossier

How to Cite

Feminism and Hannah Arendt: a coasting voyage. (2024). Pescadora De Perlas. Revista De Estudios Arendtianos, 3(3), 21-36. https://revistas.psi.unc.edu.ar/index.php/pescadoradeperlas/article/view/44471