Review of O Caso Eichmann, Hannah Arendt e as controvérsias jurídicas sobre o julgamento de Correia, A. San Pablo, Almedina, 2022, 196 págs.


  • Catalina Tassin Wallace Becaria doctoral Idejus CONICET - UNC


thinking, legal system, justice


Throughout this paper I seek to review Adriano Correia's book “O Caso Eichmann, Hannah Arendt e as controversias jurídicas sobre o julgamento” focusing in particular on two aspects, the “case” and the “juridical controversies”. I understand that this is an example, a useful and necessary argumentation, for proper times, past, present and future. With this in mind, I make some distinctions regarding the link between law and justice, and the difficulties that Correia recovers in this relationship.




How to Cite

Review of O Caso Eichmann, Hannah Arendt e as controvérsias jurídicas sobre o julgamento de Correia, A. San Pablo, Almedina, 2022, 196 págs . (2024). Pescadora De Perlas. Revista De Estudios Arendtianos, 3(3), 171-177.