Review of La vida del archivo. Hannah Arendt: lecturas y reapropiaciones de Hunziker, P. y Smola, J. (editoras) Buenos Aires, Editorial UNGS, 2023, 328 págs.


  • Silvio Mattoni Universidad Nacional de Córdoba/Conicet


Hannah Arendt, memory, archive, ethics, community


This text reviews a collective book devoted to certain themes in Hannah Arendt's work. Some of these themes stand out in particular: memory and forgetting, the question of archive, the appropriation and re-signification of certain traces of a thought. From a certain politics of the archive also emerge, in the essays of the book under discussion, a politics of memory and an ethics of the conjectural community that would form Arendt's readers, who think the present without ceasing to seek traces in what was thought before.



How to Cite

Review of La vida del archivo. Hannah Arendt: lecturas y reapropiaciones de Hunziker, P. y Smola, J. (editoras) Buenos Aires, Editorial UNGS, 2023, 328 págs. (2024). Pescadora De Perlas. Revista De Estudios Arendtianos, 3(3), 165-170.