Sections Policy

Pescadora de Perlas publishes original papers in Spanish, Portuguese and English related to the field of Arendt studies, and the discussions and legacies that her thoughts unlock in the present. Proposed manuscripts must be original, and must not be under review in another academic journal, nor can they be sent to other journals while the evaluation process lasts. After publication, the papers may be reproduced by the authors with indication of the original publication in this journal (see Copyright notice).  Submissions are accepted permanently, except submissions to Dossier, whose deadlines are restricted by the current call for proposals.

Studies and Notes Section: Dossier and non-thematic contributions

Studies are long articles that should not exceed 10000 words and Notes are short articles of up to 5000 words. Critical contributions to articles already published in the magazine are also of interest.

The contributions for the sections of Studies and Notes will be submitted to a double blind reference.

Studies and notes can be submitted to the call for a thematic Dossier. In that case, they must respect the deadlines stipulated by the current call. Or they can have free themes, although relevant to Pescadora de Perlas focus and scope.  In that case, submissions are received permanently, without deadline restrictions.

Pearls / Fragments of Thought  Section

Elisabeth Young-Bruehl and Kurt Blumenfeld associated Arendt with pearl fishing, Perlenfischerei. Arendt referred by that name to the method that she recognizes in Walter Benjamin's work and in her own: to descent “to the bottom of the sea, not to excavate the bottom and bring it to light but to discover the rich and the strange, pearls and coral from the deep and bring them to the surface. "

Here you will find this type of rich and strange fragments: translations of classical texts on Arendt´s work; original documents or short exegetical studies on fragments of her writtings; short essays and reviews on films, exhibitions, images, events or political events; interviews and dialogues on current issues or theoretical debates on Arendt; images or fragments and marginalia that she treasured; interviews and dialogues that she had with other thinkers or cultural personalities; lectures and talks she gave throughout her life and other materials related to her life and her work.

Text proposals for this section will be submitted to the Editorial Committee for evaluation. In the case of translations of classic articles or interviews and conferences already published, original documents and images, these must be accompanied by the necessary publication permits to comply with the legality of editorial and author´s rights.

Book Reviews section

The Magazine seeks to promote the dissemination and critical discussion of the productions related to Hannah Arendt's work on a national and international level. This section receives critical reviews and short book reviews.

Short book reviews are texts about books published in the last two years and will have a length between 1,000 and 1,400 words.

Critical reviews are texts about one or more books published in the last five years and will have a length between 1,500 and 2,500 words.

In both cases, they will be headed by the complete references of the reviewed text and will not have footnotes. The texts for this section will be submitted to a unique instance of blind reference.