Vinculación Universidad – Sector Productivo en Sistemas Regionales de Innovación Periféricos: el caso de la Universidad Nacional de Chilecito


  • Gabriela Starobinsky Universidad Nacional de Chilecito
  • Manuel Gonzalo Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento / Universidad Nacional de Chilecito
  • Ana Carolina Manrique Universidad Nacional de Chilecito
  • Camila Flores Universidad Nacional de Chilecito


The present research addresses the case of the National University of Chilecito in regard to its technological linkages with the productive sector of La Rioja province, Argentina, one of the less developed regions of the country. The conceptual framework articulates elements from the evolutionary economics approach about systems of innovation and from Latin-American structuralism about peripheral regions, in order to analyze the role of universities in Regional Innovation Systems (RIS). A multiple case study is conducted to analyze five interaction experiences: the relation that the University stablished with the Cluster Nogalero, the Women Council, groups of weaver women, rural goats breeders, and the business INCUBATOR. Empirical analyses covers documental information, evaluation reports from external organizations, project’s reports, and qualitative interview to key informants. Common problematics of interaction efforts are outlined identifying limitations and learnings. Among the results stand out the transference of productive techniques and the leadership of the professors. As regards the limitations the lack of linkages promotion in the University and of trained resources in technological linkage, along with RIS dimensions as structural heterogeneity, weak techno-productive and coordination competences, are highlighted.


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How to Cite

Vinculación Universidad – Sector Productivo en Sistemas Regionales de Innovación Periféricos: el caso de la Universidad Nacional de Chilecito. (2020). Pymes, Innovación Y Desarrollo, 8(2), 6-30.