AgTech ecosystem: analysis of the technological offer in the central region of Buenos Aires province


  • Andrea Belén Arditi Magister, Becaria Doctoral Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET). Centro de Estudios en Administración (CEA). Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. UNICEN.
  • María Isabel Camio Centro de Estudios en Administración (CEA). Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. UNICEN.
  • María Belén Celiberti Centro de Estudios en Administración (CEA). Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. UNICEN.


Technology Offer, AgTech Ecosystem, Industry 4.0, Entrepreneurial Ecosystem


Industry 4.0 technologies have generated an expansion of new capabilities, allowing the emergence of new entrepreneurs and firms that develop innovations aimed at improving the sustainability of traditional sectors. AgTech is usually defined in a narrow sense as the emerging industry that combines agriculture and technology, while in a broader sense, it also encompasses food processing, delivery and enjoyment activities ("FoodTech"). This paper aims at exploring the supply of Industry 4.0 technology oriented to the agri-food chain in the central region of the Province of Buenos Aires. For this purpose, an exploratory-descriptive study was carried out by means of a questionnaire addressed to actors that develop innovations oriented to this chain. Four categories of actors were identified as of suppliers: R&D developers, product developers, and service providers with B2B commercial relations, and manufacturers of products oriented to the final consumer (B2C). It is important to highlight the presence of links between these actors with universities and R&D centers, and with other companies and intermediate chambers and institutions. This shows the notion of an ecosystem. Differences are recognized in the characterization of the actors with respect to studies of the AgroTech supply developed at a national level and in other central regions of the country. It is proposed as a future line of research the analysis of the technological capabilities of the ecosystem, incorporating the potential supply of technology that can be developed by the R&D Centers of the region.


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How to Cite

AgTech ecosystem: analysis of the technological offer in the central region of Buenos Aires province. (2023). Pymes, Innovación Y Desarrollo, 10(3), 23-49.