Good practices in assisting firms in industrial parks from intermediate cities in Argentina


  • Carla Daniela Calá Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata



industrial policy, regional development, SME, firm support


In this work, we investigate and describe some assistance practices for firms which were carried out in five industrial parks in Argentina in recent years. We also identify some of their real or potential limitations, as well as the factors that explain their successful development, in order to reflect on the way in which a provincial or national public policy could enhance them. We use a qualitative methodological approach, based on eight semi-structured interviews to representatives of industrial parks located in intermediate cities in the country and some businessmen located there, and we also analyze secondary information about other parks in the country. We identify successful and potentially replicable actions regarding the incorporation and training of human resources, access to technology, commercial, productive, safety and hygiene practices, environmental care and dissemination activities. Some industrial policy proposals arise from the results: a) to disseminate successful practices in support of firms in industrial parks; b) to finance the figure of an administrative manager; c) to prepare procedure manuals and information repositories for presidents and managers of the administrative associations; d) to finance mutual assistance groups between companies or transfer centers and/or links with universities; e) to reequip technical schools and include them as beneficiaries in the promotion policies; f) to promote the continuity of actions over time.


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How to Cite

Good practices in assisting firms in industrial parks from intermediate cities in Argentina. (2024). Pymes, Innovación Y Desarrollo, 12(2), 73-97.