Beneficial effects of the “Learning to Live” program on the psycho-affective health of diabetic and non-diabetic older adults from Carlos Paz, Córdoba, Argentina in times of the COVID-19 pandemic
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aged adults
psycho-affective health
physical activity
COVID-19 pandemic

How to Cite

Beneficial effects of the “Learning to Live” program on the psycho-affective health of diabetic and non-diabetic older adults from Carlos Paz, Córdoba, Argentina in times of the COVID-19 pandemic. (2021). Pinelatinoamericana, 1(1), 26-35.


The COVID-19 pandemic and preventive confinement had an impact on the mental health of the population, especially within risk groups such as the elderly. This work evaluates the effect of the virtual modality of the "Learning to Live" program, which consists of physical activity adapted for aged adults and psychological work to promote resilience. The group of participants in these activities was compared with a Control group built with a similar population and socioeconomic characteristics that did not perform these activities. Instruments for self-perception of psycho-affective health were used. During the compulsory preventive confinement stage, the number of participants in the program activities was reduced, this was even more marked among diabetic men. Those people who participated in the activities perceived themselves happier and showed lower rates of depression than the Control group. The “Learning to Live” program, even in its virtual version, was beneficial for the psycho-affective health of the participants.

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