Psychoimmunoneuroendocrinology (PINE): an approach to understanding, prevention and treatment of cognitive impairment associated with obesity
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cognitive impairment

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Psychoimmunoneuroendocrinology (PINE): an approach to understanding, prevention and treatment of cognitive impairment associated with obesity. (2022). Pinelatinoamericana, 2(3), 240-254.


Cognitive impairment conforms a syndrome that decreases functional independence affecting cognition, motor and emotional abilities.

Objective: To highlight the value of a comprehensive approach from psychoimmunoendocrinology (PINE/PNIE), for the understanding, prevention and management of cognitive impairment.

The loss of cognitive abilities has a slow and progressive neurodegenerative evolution, being its maximum expression, dementia. It is a health problem related to age and is associated with obesity as a risk factor. Therefore, it constitutes a growing global public health challenge, as population ages more and more and the global prevalence of obesity increase.

Conclusions: An approach from psychoimmunoendocrinology, which includes psychosocial, metabolic, endocrine aspects and maintenance of a healthy weight, could help to improve the quality of life of people by preventing the appearance of cognitive deterioration and  reducing the severity of the symptoms until very old ages.

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