Comment on the article published by Juan Pablo Morales Basto and collaborators: The relationship between the endocannabinoid system and food addiction: an exploratory review
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endocannabinoid system
food addiction

How to Cite

Comment on the article published by Juan Pablo Morales Basto and collaborators: The relationship between the endocannabinoid system and food addiction: an exploratory review. (2022). Pinelatinoamericana, 2(3), 255-259.


Article commentary:

Morales Basto, J. P., Burgos Castro, E. D., Fandiño Sánchez, D. A. Porras Galindo, L. F., Rodríguez Munevar, S. D., Agudelo Cañas, S. y Poveda Espinosa, E. (2021). La relación entre el sistema endocannabinoide y la adicción a la comida: una revisión exploratoria. Revista Española de Nutrición Humana y Dietética. 25(2), 212-226.

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