In science there are always entities, phenomena or processes that put into tension the usually established disciplinary classifications or partitions. Stress falls into this category. Indeed, it is an entity that in recent decades, has highlighted the limitations of the study of human health from the unilateral nature of the specialties, basically focused on the different systems that make up the whole of the organism. However, the search for an integrative perspective should not overlook the reason for such disintegration. To analyze this issue from its foundations, it is necessary to venture into the field of epistemology. In this work, this task is carried out from the transposition of some ideas and categories of analysis offered by the french philosopher Bruno Latour, such as those of hybrid, black box and critical zone, to the specific study of stress. In this way, it is intended to offer a different and novel look to think about the internal and external connections of the organism with respect to the environment.
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