Rhodiola rosea: a phytotherapeutic option for the management of long haul stress
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rhodiola rosea
chronic stress
burnout syndrome

How to Cite

Rhodiola rosea: a phytotherapeutic option for the management of long haul stress. (2023). Pinelatinoamericana, 3(3), 242-253. https://revistas.psi.unc.edu.ar/index.php/pinelatam/article/view/43624


The role that plants and phytotherapy can play as valid therapeutic options in a Holistic Health Care Model will be discussed. A general description of the phytotherapeutic concept of adaptogen will be showed, taking into account its implication in PINE and Stress. Rhodiola rosea will be described, a native plant from the Northern Hemisphere, an adaptogen widely studied now due to its safety and effectiveness in several conditions related to prolonged stress and associated conditions, including Burnout syndrome. A brief review will show its uses in popular medicine, botanical description, pharmacognosy, mechanisms of action, clinical evidence available to date, dosage and precautions for its use.

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