Relationship between the acquisition of adaptive behaviors according to maternal breeding practices and changes in the sensory-neuro-endocrine systems in childhoods development
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adaptive behaviors

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Tomás, B. M. (2024). Relationship between the acquisition of adaptive behaviors according to maternal breeding practices and changes in the sensory-neuro-endocrine systems in childhoods development . Pinelatinoamericana, 4(2), 62-74.


Changes in adaptive behaviors along childhoods are accompanied by physiological changes that are significantly associated with the implications of the environment and maternal nurture practices. It is essential to establish the correlation between the acquisition of adaptive skills according to maternal breeding skill fulls and changes in the sensory-neuro-endocrine systems in children, for the promotion of breeding practices that may improve the early experience. The purpose of present article is to revise some of the recent advances in developmental, behavioral and stress sciences in order to surpass the old dichotomies between nature and nurture, learning and instinct, genes and experience, in order to provide a comprehensive explanation of development as a result of the interactions of social environmental factors related to parent-child interactions. Since these behaviours can be favorably modified, important implications may be achieved for the design of improved interventions, thus providing important information to conceptualize the individual profile of risk and resilience of a children in his or her environment. Thus, they are essential to establish the correlation between the acquisition of adaptive skills according to maternal parenting practices and changes in the sensory-neuro-endocrine systems in childhood, in order to improve their earlier experiences.

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