Prevalence of Early Maladaptive Schemas in a group of obese patients from the City of Córdoba, Argentina
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obesity behaviors
early maladaptive schemas; obesity

How to Cite

Navarro, M. M. (2024). Prevalence of Early Maladaptive Schemas in a group of obese patients from the City of Córdoba, Argentina. Pinelatinoamericana, 4(3), 142-152.


Introduction. Several studies have associated Early Maladaptive Schemas (EMS) in people with obesity. The interest in identifying them is based on the importance of transdisciplinary work in patients with chronic pathologies, whose treatments require lifestyles changes and psychotherapeutic work aimed at modifying dysfunctional beliefs and harmful behaviors. Knowledge of these behavioral patterns in people with obesity may be a useful approach to detect resistance to beneficial behavioral changes when adverse environmental circumstances arise, as well as to avoid interference in the evolution and maintenance of healthy behaviors in the long term.

Objective. Determine the prevalence of EMS in a group of people with obesity residing in the city of Córdoba, Argentina.

Hypothesis. People with obesity who present EMS may experience difficulties in treatment adherence, as well as in the acquisition and maintenance of long-term healthy habits.

Methods. this study is a descriptive one and intentional non-probabilistic method was used to obtain the sample. Participants included men and women over 25 years of age with a diagnosis of obesity based on the BMI (Body Mass Index) from Córdoba city, Argentina. EMS were assesed using the CEY – S3 (Y S Q – S3- JY05) questionnaire adapted to Spanish.

All participants provided written informed consent after being briefed about the objectives, procedures, benefits, possible risks of the study and confidentiality of their personal data.

Results. The highest average EMS scores were observed in: emotional deprivation, vulnerability to danger and illness, insufficient self-control, self-sacrifice and unattainable goals. In the disconnection and rejection domain, the emotional deprivation showed the highest average score. In the impaired autonomy and performance domain, vulnerability to danger and illness scored highest. In the insufficient limits domain, 39% of patients showed the highest scores in insufficient self-control. The EMS of self-sacrifice was the one with the highest average score considering both the other-orientation domain and the remaining four domains. In the overvigilance and inhibition domain, the EMS of unattainable goals was the one with the highest average score.

Conclusion. The results provide additional evidence confirming similar EMS patterns in people with obesity as recorded in previous studies.

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