Guidelines for authors


General guidelines for writing the various types of manuscripts The following guidelines seek to unify and regulate the presentation of manuscripts, so that submissions contain complete information:

  • Manuscripts must meet the following characteristics: “.doc” or “.docx”, “rtf” format or compatible with “Microsoft Word” in any of its versions. Sheet size: A4. Font: Times New Roman, size 11 using. Line spacing of 1.5, universal standards of style and grammar of scientific texts must be preserved in writing.
  • Only manuscripts in Spanish, written in the third person, will be accepted.
  • Graphs, figures, tables and charts: If used, incorporate them in the body of the text in the appropriate place and send them separately attached. Important: they must be original, or self-made. Each of these elements must have a title and a brief explanation if necessary. The supported extensions for figures or graphs are “.gif” or “.jpg”. In the case of tables, they can be sent in “.xls” or “xlsx”. It is recommended not to abuse these resources, and to incorporate those that contribute to the correct understanding and clarification of the text.
  • Authors: they must be listed in the order in which the work will be published: Name/s, last name. For each author, the main institutional affiliation, city, country, email, academic degree or maximum specialty achieved must be indicated (Doctor, Specialist in..., Graduate in..., Master in...Doctor in..., etc. ) and ORCID if they had it.
  • Article title: Up to 150 characters including spaces. Font: Times New Roman 12 in lowercase and bold. It must be presented in Spanish, Portuguese and English. Subtitles in Font 11, in bold.
  • Summary: concisely reflects the content of the work and justifies the study. It must be presented in Spanish, Portuguese and English. Font Times New Roman 11 single spacing. It can be presented structured: introduction, objectives, methodology, results and brief conclusion.
  • Keywords: Terms that explain the content of the article. It must be presented in Spanish, Portuguese and English. Font Times New Roman 11 single spacing. Quantity: between 3 and 4 words.
  • Citations in the text must be presented in accordance with the American Psychological Association (APA) format. They must be inserted in the text between parentheses including the last name of the author(s), year of publication. (See example below).
  • Bibliographic references must be listed according to said format. At the end of the article all the bibliography consulted and used will be organized in alphabetical order (see example below). The maximum number of citations allowed will depend on each type of work to which the manuscript is applied. Important: Websites, summaries of conferences, congresses, conferences, theses and doctoral dissertations will not be accepted as bibliographical references. Exceptionally, one or two of the latter may be accepted as a footnote.
  • Manuscripts will be sent for consideration exclusively to the email address of the Editor-in-Chief Dr. Aldo Eynard: You must attach the manuscript, a letter requesting publication, the image files or tables that include the publication and the submission review list with the check marks that verify that the submission meets the journal's requirements.
  • Publication request letter: The author(s) must sign a sending letter addressed to the Editor-in-Chief proposing the variety of the article that is submitted for consideration, according to the types of publications of Pinelatinoamericana. It must state its originality and importance, in order to properly evaluate the manuscript. Declare that the work has not been published or sent elsewhere for publication or evaluation, that there are no conflicts of interest between authors, institutions, laboratories, professionals and that the authors assign their rights to the journal. The letter must be signed by all the authors with their information: name(s) and surname, place of affiliation or work, ORCID (if available).
  • Peer review is carried out according to the single-blind system.
  • For correct submission of manuscripts, it must be controlled using the submission checklist. Additions or alterations to the text will not be admitted after sending it for editing.
  • Authors of manuscripts that were not accepted for publication will be promptly notified by email.

Examples of in-text citations according to APA


“ información publicada sobre el papel del estrés crónico como mediador de la relación entre la posición socioeconómica y el cumplimiento del tratamiento antihipertensivo farmacológico en Latinoamérica, es escasa (Guzmán-Tordecilla et al., 2020)”

Examples of bibliographic reference according to APA



 Apellido, A., Apellido, B. y Apellido, C. (año). Título del artículo específico. Título de la Revista, Volumen(número de la revista), número de página inicio – número de página final.


Guzmán-Tordecilla, D. N., Vecino-Ortiz, A. I., Lucumí, D., y Mentz, G. (2020). El estrés crónico como mediador de la relación entre la posición socioeconómica y el cumplimiento del tratamiento farmacológico de pacientes hipertensos. Biomedica: revista del Instituto Nacional de Salud, 40(2), 243–256.


Kumar, P., Berghorst, L. H., Nickerson, L. D., Dutra, S. J., Goer, F. K., Greve, D. N., y Pizzagalli, D. A. (2014). Differential effects of acute stress on anticipatory and consummatory phases of reward processing. Neuroscience, 266, 1–12.



Apellido, N. y Apellido, N. (año). Título del libro. Editorial. DOI o URL


Stecker, T., Kalin, N.H. y Reul, J. (2005). Handbook of Stress and the Brain. Part 1: The Neurobiology of Stress. Elsevier. https: // /vol/15/part/P1


Chapter of book:

 Apellido Autor, N. N. (año). Título del capítulo.  en N. N. Apellido del Editor /Autor (Ed.), Título del libro (xx ed., Vol. xx, pp. xxx–xxx). Editorial.


Anguas-Plata, A. M. (2005). Bienestar Subjetivo en México: un enfoque etnopsicológico. En Calidad de vida y bienestar subjetivo en México. E. L. Garduño, A. B. Salinas y H. M. Rojas (Coords). México: Plaza y Valdez S. A de C.V. pp.57-81.


Journals sections



These articles comment on and analyze topics of interest or emerging issues in the PINE area, written for the understanding of a broader range of readers. They are usually requested by editors from recognized professionals, although they can also be proposed at the discretion of the author(s), in which case, their acceptance will be at the discretion of the editors. Sections of the editorial: Brief introductory framework, Critical development of the theme, Conclusions and Projections in the PINE area and Bibliographic References. Length: no more than 2500 words, up to 10 bibliographical references.

Dissemination articles

They present a particular approach to a current or emerging topic of interest whose author(s) must demonstrate solid knowledge of the topic addressed, discussing it within the framework of current and relevant bibliographic citations, their own and/or those of others. authors, accepting solidly founded hypotheses. Parts of the article: Introduction and Purposes, Discussion, Conclusions and Bibliographic References. Extension of no more than 3000 words, up to 10 bibliographical references. Summary of up to 200 words.

Experimental research articles with animals

Articles closely oriented to stress will be accepted, such as metabolic disturbances, behaviors and behaviors, etc., linked to the PINE area of ​​animals in experimentation or captivity. They must comply with international standards such as the World Medical Association (WMA) Declaration on the Use of Animals in Biomedical Research. Extension of no more than 3000 words, up to 10 bibliographical references. Summary of up to 200 words.

Clinical Case

It consists of the presentation of a particular case, of surveys or of a series of patients, with a condition of marked interest or infrequent, whose description is important in PINE professional practice arising from the author's clinical experience. They must comply with international standards such as the Declaration of Helsinki of the AMM on Ethical Principles for Medical Research on Human Beings and the provisions of the ethical principles. Sections of the Clinical Case: Brief introductory framework, detailed description of the case/s discussed within the framework of the current bibliography of similar clinical situations. Order the text according to the classic IMRD sequence: Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions and Bibliographic References. Extension up to 3500 words including up to 15 bibliographical references. Summary of up to 100 words

Brief reviews

They must provide a general approach (updating) of some of the PIME areas, integrating the reciprocal relationships of its aspects, discussing current knowledge in light of their own results and those of other authors, accepting solidly founded hypotheses. Order the text according to the logical sequence of Introduction, Results, Discussion, Conclusions and Bibliographic References. Length: up to 5000 words. Up to 50 bibliographical references. Summary of up to 200 words.

Comments on Related Books/Articles

They must refer to new books or articles in Periodical Publications of great importance, recently published, of marked interest to PINE professionals. They are usually requested by editors from recognized professionals, although they can also be proposed at the discretion of the author(s), in which case, their acceptance will be at the discretion of the editors. Its sections: Objectives of the work, contents of each chapter, importance for PINE, other aspects of free choice Extension: up to 2000 words. In addition to the citation of the reason for the comment, 5 bibliographic references can be included.


The Editorial Committee may invite authors of monographs relevant to the PINE area (final works, theses) approved with outstanding grades in the postgraduate exams of recognized academic institutions to publish them in Pinelatinoamericana. reducing their length and adapting them to the characteristics of the magazine. Length: up to 3,500 words, including spaces and up to 30 bibliographical references.