

At the Congress in September 2016, during the activities of a Congress of FLAPNIE (Latin American Federation of Psycho Neuro Immuno Endocrinology) held in Mexico, a proposal was agreed upon consisting of having an original periodic publication that would allow the exchange of knowledge and relative experiences. to what each group of referents in PINE (or PNIE) did in their own country.

From Córdoba, Argentina, a Digital Scientific Dissemination Forum was then generated (www.pinelatinoamericana.com.ar) that has been maintained with permanent updates since 2017, reaching more than 1,500 visits since then. Given the importance of the PINE theme, the alluvional emergence of stress in all its clinical manifestations, in both genders and all ages, as well as the growth in the number and quality of professionals in the area, it seemed to the Management and Members of AMEPINE that It was now the opportune moment to make the qualitative leap towards a digital periodical magazine, such as the founding of the present Pinelatinoamerica.