Arbitration system

The evaluators know the name of the authors, but not reciprocally (single blind). For this reason, the names of the authors and their main institutional affiliation are recorded in the MS.
The MS that, according to the pre-evaluation carried out by the Editorial Secretariat, satisfactorily comply with the required formal aspects, will be submitted to arbitration by two anonymous peer evaluators and, in case of discrepancies regarding their opinion, a third evaluation may be requested. The Peer Evaluators will take into account the originality and current interest of the topic, level of updating of the bibliography, compliance with the proposed objectives, agreement of conclusions and recommendations with the title and purposes of the same. Each evaluator will submit their comments and recommendations to the Editor-in-Chief (see MS Evaluation Table) within 30 days. The final decision will be made by the Editorial Committee and Editor-in-Chief.

Upon completion of the evaluation, the author(s), within a period of 60 days from the date of formal receipt of the MS, will receive the following communication: accepted; accepted with a request for minor changes, rejected but with the option of major changes (mandatory to be corrected for reconsideration), rejected without option to resubmit. In the last three situations, the detailed report of the anonymous evaluators, signed by the Editor-in-Chief, will be sent to the main author.