
  • Procedural acts and new tecnologies
    Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022)

    The Journal of Procedural Law and Human Rights  is a scientific, refereed, periodical, free access publication whose purpose is the study of Procedural Law and Human Rights in dialogue between knowledge.
    Through this academic publication we intend to collaborate in the construction of an editorial space of excellence for the dissemination and regional and international integration of technological scientific productions of Procedural Law with a Human Rights approach.
    This magazine was born within the framework of the CONSOLIDAR Research Project "Procedural Acts and new Technologies: towards the Electronic File in Civil and Commercial Law in the Judiciary of the Nation and the Province of Córdoba" under the direction of Prof. Dr. H.C. Dra. Rosa A. Avila Paz de Robledo, which was approved by Res. 266/2018 of the Secretary of Science and Technology of the National University of Córdoba, and concordant Res. 411/18, 455/18 and 472/18, SECYT UNC).
    With the commitment to present to the scientific, academic, legal and university community, the results and advances of research processes, with the purpose of stimulating interdisciplinary dialogue and with a pluralistic perspective. Through this publication, a dialogue of knowledge is opened with the scientific community and in an active way through free digital access.
    It only admits unpublished works and publishes original scientific contributions.