Violencia filio – parental: una revisión sistemática de la literatura

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Milton Contreras Sáez
Andrés Fresno Rodríguez
Osvaldo Hernández González


Child to-parent-aggression (CPA) is a growing social problem that has been difficult to define, and that in recent years has become a research topic with increasing publications. This article aims to review the results of research that has explicitly addressed VFP. Initially, 121 publications were identified in WoS, Scopus, Proquest and Scielo databases, where with the selection criteria, only 27 were analyzed. The results indicate that descriptive and non-explanatory definitions exist, while some do not detail it. In the associated variables, there are the adolescent psychological, the contextual and the sociodemographic variables. In the methodological approaches, at the level of focus the quantitative is predominant, with excessive use of psychometric scales and some qualitative ones that allow greater understanding. Our review stands out in proposing as a conceptual framework a bioecological approach that allows to establish status in the variables.

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Violencia filio – parental: una revisión sistemática de la literatura . (2022). Argentinean Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 14(2), 13-36.

How to Cite

Violencia filio – parental: una revisión sistemática de la literatura . (2022). Argentinean Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 14(2), 13-36.


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