Análisis psicométrico de una escala de agotamiento emocional académico con la teoría de la respuesta al ítem
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The objective of this study was to analyze the Emotional Fatigue Scale (EFS), which evaluates academic emotional exhaustion (AEE), using the Item Response Theory (IRT). The sample was selected by accessibility and was comprised by 517 Peruvian psychology students (76% women). Furthermore, none of the items presented differential item functioning according to sex. Regarding the discrimination parameters, we found values that represent the ability of the response categories to distinguish between participants with different levels of AEE. In addition, items six, seven and nine showed the highest levels of discrimination. On the other hand, the distance between the threshold parameters was wide, indicating that it was possible to discriminate between different levels of AEE. The analysis with the test information function showed an acceptable precision in a wide range of AEE levels. It can be concluded that the EFS obtained excellent evidence of psychometric quality using the IRT.
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