Inventory of Learning Processes: Adaptation and psychometric analysis in high school and college students from Argentine

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Agustín Freiberg-Hoffmann
Mercedes Fernández-Liporace


The Inventory of Learning Processes (ILP) is a self-report scale developed to assess learning processes in the educational field. Since there are no local versions available, this study is aimed at conducting its linguistic and conceptual adaptation as well as its psychometric analysis in order to make it useful for high school and college students. First, the translation from English to Spanish was performed, and content validity evidences were examined. Then, construct validity evidences –exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis and factorial invariance- and internal consistency were analyzed in two samples composed by high school and college students. A third sample was collected to examine convergent validity evidences, taking learning approaches as criterion. As a result, a valid and reliable version of ILP —11-item-3factor— was obtained. Such factors were identified as Elaborative Processing, Study Methods, and Synthesis/Analysis.

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How to Cite
Inventory of Learning Processes: Adaptation and psychometric analysis in high school and college students from Argentine . (2022). Argentinean Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 14(2), 87-97.
Original Articles

How to Cite

Inventory of Learning Processes: Adaptation and psychometric analysis in high school and college students from Argentine . (2022). Argentinean Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 14(2), 87-97.


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