Official records and self-reports of antisocial behavior in adolescents of both sexes: Alternatives or complements?

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Antonella Bobbio
Karin Arbach
Jorge Bruera


The high implication of the adolescent and young population in criminal or antisocial activities is a well-documented fact in the criminological literature. This study aimed to estimate the rates of different types of antinormative behavior in 480 adolescents with and without official criminal records from Córdoba, Argentina, by using a self-report tool. Most of adolescents reported at least one antinormative behavior in their lifetime. Vandalism and alcohol use were the behaviors with the highest rates, while thefts and physical assaults were the least prevalent. Being a man and having official criminal records increased the risk of committing different types of antisocial behavior. The implications of the use of self-reported tools and official records in the study of criminal behavior and the need to design prevention and intervention strategies based on evidence are discussed.

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Official records and self-reports of antisocial behavior in adolescents of both sexes: Alternatives or complements?. (2022). Argentinean Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 14(3), 67-81.
Original Articles

How to Cite

Official records and self-reports of antisocial behavior in adolescents of both sexes: Alternatives or complements?. (2022). Argentinean Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 14(3), 67-81.


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