Mayo - Agosto de 2010, Vol. 2, No. 2 (2010)

Published: 2010-08-03

Influence of cognitive variables in the Iowa Gambling Task

Maria Luz Gonzalez Gadea, Japaze Guillermo Ponce, Hugo Díaz Fajreldines, Julián Marino


A decision making account for the cognitive processing of De Morgan´s laws

Guillermo Macbeth, José Humberto Fernández, Eugenia Razumiejczyk


Vista: a software for teaching statistics and psychometrics

Rubén Daniel Ledesma, Pedro Valero-Mora, Gabriel Jesús Molina


Burn-Out and depressive symptoms in the workforce of the National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery

Leora Velásquez-Pérez, Margarita González González, Guadalupe Araceli Contreras-Cortés
