Palabras clave:
trafficking of arms, international law, international responsibilityResumen
International practice has shown that the trafficking, trade, import and export of arms are a threat to the violation of rights, world peace and the dignity of the human person. Because weapons fuel forms of internal repression or armed aggression in violation of international law. Because weapons are used for peoples seeking their own self-determination. Because weapons according to
their nature and their use are in contrast with the principles and norms of international humanitarian law. The present work will make a doctrinal and jurisprudential excursus to clarify and offer a panorama of the single juridical corpus of armaments that we can define as “international law of disarmament”. The main objective of arms regulation is the complete banning of certain types of
weapons, which are considered particularly harmful to humans or which have indiscriminate effects on the civilian population, even speaking for the commission of international crimes