Scenes from the international struggle against the anarchist movement in the Archive of the Ministry of Foreign Relations of Argentina (1890-1910)


  • Martín Albornoz Instituto de Altos Estudios Sociales (IDAES) - Universidad Nacional de San Martin (UNSAM). Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET). Argentina


Archive of the Ministry of Foreign Relations and Culture of Argentina, anarchism, diplomacy, surveillance


Drawing on a varied range of documentation preserved in the Archive of the Ministry of Foreign Relations,  this text examines and reflects on the international dimension of the struggle against the anarchist  movement in Buenos Aires. Generally overlooked by Argentine historians, these documents demonstrate  the importance and attention paid to events involving the global anarchist phenomenon and how they  shaped local approaches to its repression. Within a timeframe spanning the end of the 19th century and the  beginning of the 20th, it focuses especially on the actions of Argentine consulates in cities such as Barcelona,  Paris and Montevideo. These activities were as diverse as the countries in which they took place, including  surveillance of immigrants, the hiring of spies and informants and attempts to coordinate police efforts  internationally.


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How to Cite

Scenes from the international struggle against the anarchist movement in the Archive of the Ministry of Foreign Relations of Argentina (1890-1910). (2020). Revista Electrónica De Fuentes Y Archivos, 11, 48-66.