Sources and methodological approaches in the study of epidemics: the mexican case


  • América Molina del Villar Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social (CIESAS). México


epidemics, archives, historical sources, methodology


The object of this paper is to show the sources that are available for studying the impact of the epidemics,
emphasizing in the Mexican case. Infectious diseases have accompanied man since ancient times. However,
the epidemics have been associated with social and economic factors, such as the emergence of big cities,
industrial development, the expansion of trade, emigration, factors that mark the start of globalization
and emergence of pandemics. New diseases appeared with the arrival of the spanish in America, some of
them were devastating and caused a large decrease in the population. In this general context, we want to
show the different methodological approaches and sources that historians and other scientific disciplines
(biologists, doctors, historians of Medicine) have used for the analysis of epidemics and pandemics affecting
the colonial and independent Mexico.


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How to Cite

Sources and methodological approaches in the study of epidemics: the mexican case. (2018). Revista Electrónica De Fuentes Y Archivos, 9, 78-95.