The Guillermo Facio Hebequer collection in the Archive of Argentine and Latin American Art of the Museo de Artes Plásticas Eduardo Sívori


  • Magalí Andrea Devés Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). Argentina


Guillermo Facio Hebequer, documentary archive, intellectual history, argentinean left culture


The Museum of Plastic Arts Eduardo Sívori harbors an Archive of Argentinean and Latin American Arts with materials concerning about two thousand eight hundred and forty local artists. This article proposes an approach to Guillermo Facio Hebequer documentary archive, with the purpose of revealing its potential for further researches on different aspects of Argentinean culture.


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Archivos / Bibliotecas / Museos / Colecciones

How to Cite

The Guillermo Facio Hebequer collection in the Archive of Argentine and Latin American Art of the Museo de Artes Plásticas Eduardo Sívori. (2015). Revista Electrónica De Fuentes Y Archivos, 6, 161-165.