Notes for an analysis: photographs of working women in the press during the last military dictatorship


  • Gabriela Mitidieri Instituto Interdisciplinario de Estudios de Género, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). Argentina


photography, recent history, gender, military dictatorship, workers strike


On this article, I try to analize the methodological specificities of the historical research that uses photographic testimonies, based on the case study of the photojournalistic coverage of a workers strike, on the textile factory “Alpargatas”, located on the neighborhood of Barracas (Buenos Aires City), April 1979. The aim is to expose the possible lines of investigation opened by the work with this kind of material; specially, the additional potential that they represent for the gender studies analysis.


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How to Cite

Notes for an analysis: photographs of working women in the press during the last military dictatorship. (2014). Revista Electrónica De Fuentes Y Archivos, 5, 24-45.