The Freewoman (1911-1912): a source for the study of the Edwardian Feminist Movement


  • Eleonora Ardanaz Universidad Nacional del Sur (UNS). Argentina
  • Virginia Lazzari Universidad Nacional del Sur (UNS). Argentina


british feminism, press, room discussion, sources


This paper is an approach to The Freewoman (November 1911-October 1912), a newspaper considered as a part of the so-called feminist press. As such, it is not only a means of transmitting ideas and space for discussion of various topics, but also a tool for extending support, the establishment of connections within a wide range and the construction of a collective identity that seeks to expand both geographically and socially. The analysis is presented as a contribution to the knowledge of British feminism. Both the path of militancy of its founders, the context in which it appears in connection with the movement for women's rights, the features and overall content of The Freewomen are embodied in this work, giving a better idea of the multifaceted first feminism, many times characterized as monolithic and almost stereotyped movement.


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How to Cite

The Freewoman (1911-1912): a source for the study of the Edwardian Feminist Movement. (2014). Revista Electrónica De Fuentes Y Archivos, 5, 60-80.