The history of science and the risks to archives


  • Alberto Guillermo Ranea Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. Argentina


Leibniz Archive, editions, digital technologies, future status of the archive


The Leibniz Archive of Hannover (Germany) has played a relevant role in the development of the interpretation of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz’s thought. It thus disproves the recalcitrant conception of the archive as a place where documents are merely prepared as the raw material for specialists allegedly better gifted for highly theoretical thinking in history and philosophy. The available technological resources for editing manuscript document create however, another risk for the archives, namely the illusion that the editions in the digital era are perfect and unbeatable, and, consequently, that the work at the archives will not be further needed.


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How to Cite

The history of science and the risks to archives. (2013). Revista Electrónica De Fuentes Y Archivos, 4, 190-199.