The Sportive Week of May 1914. Sport and modernization in Cordoba at the Centennial


  • Franco D. Reyna Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET). Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC). Argentina


celebrations, sports, modernization, methodology


The work tries to make a brief analysis of the commemoration of the Centenary in Cordoba, taking as a reference the realization in 1914 of the Semana Sportiva de Mayo, which consisted of a series of sports and social celebrations of national character organized by the Sociedad Sportiva Argentina, like celebration of the national anniversary. To penetrate in the studding of meanings of these evocations is the purpose of the research, at the time that puts certain emphasis in some premises historiographical and methodological that orientated her. The Semana Sportiva de Mayo was promoted by the leader sectors as a way of exhibiting the progresses of a city framed in a civilization and modernization project, which included the sport among his ranks. The event served to demonstrate the scopes in the diffusion of the sports and his incipient transformation in spectacle and adscription to certain strategies of market for his major development and competitiveness.


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How to Cite

The Sportive Week of May 1914. Sport and modernization in Cordoba at the Centennial. (2010). Revista Electrónica De Fuentes Y Archivos, 1.