Private international law and consumer relations
consumer protection, conflict of laws, applicable law, CIDIP, MercosurAbstract
Consumer protection is a concept that has been developing since the mid-twentieth century and concerned private international law by the exponential importance in the increasingly numerous transactions that are conducted internationally. While the issue is addressed in the legal systems from autonomous dimension, urgent treatment in conventional and institutional dimension is necessary because the effects caused by the violation of this right. Therefore in the best interest to be protected is necessary to have adequate tools. In this paper we present the problem by performing a particular analysis of the nature of the rules applicable to consumer protection and we also deal with the articulation of these rules with the role assumed by the public order and mandatory standards, always within international privat law vision.Downloads
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How to Cite
Private international law and consumer relations. (2014). Revista De La Facultad De Derecho, 5(1).