The need for the enactment of a National Labour Code


  • René Ricardo Mirolo Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Derecho


legislative reforms, national Labor Code, government, workers' unions


This paper discusses the legislative changes currently used by the State and the unions, for the purposes of a substantive and adjective reform of Labor Law, since the current one is understood not to adequately regulate or guarantee the future of the workers. The author argues that, although the updating is necessary, the reform must be comprehensive and complete and not a set of hasty amendments isolated from the normative context. The reform must be elaborated with a deep study carried out by recognized jurists conformed in a commission that does not surpass the three members and that, as well, receives the contribution of the specialists, institutions, magistrates, lawyers, administrative officials or any citizen with knowledge on the subject.

This is for the purpose of elaborating an ordered and systematized body of laws to integrate a Code that can be considered the most perfected document of legislative attempts. trough this work, it is made known the conditions for this that the author makes, as a modest contribution for the proposed objective.

Author Biography

  • René Ricardo Mirolo, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Derecho
    Abogado, Doctor en Derecho y Ciencias Sociales. Profesor titular consulto y exprofesor adjunto en la Cátedra de Derecho del Trabajo de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (por concurso). Realización de pasantías e integrante de Comisión de Encuesta en 1990 en la OIT -Ginebra, Suiza-, Misión Nicaragua Inobservancia de Convenios 87, 98, y 144, produciendo informe técnico ante el Director General de la OIT, al término de la gestión. Exjuez de la Cámara del Trabajo de la ciudad de Córdoba. Exasesor del Ministerio del Trabajo de Córdoba. Director Honorario del Instituto de Derecho del Trabajo “Dr. Mario L. Deveali” de la Universidad Siglo 21 de la ciudad de Córdoba.





Doctrine and research

How to Cite

The need for the enactment of a National Labour Code. (2018). Revista De La Facultad De Derecho, 9(1), 1-27.