Normative data of Academic Procrastination Scale in psychology college students from Lima




Emotion, International Affective Picture System (Iaps), Valence, Arousal, Dominance.


This  paper  synthesizes  the  normative  data obtention  (scales)  of  Academic  Procrastination  Scale  (APS)  in  Lima psychology students. Seven hundred  seventeen students participated  (74.3% women) aged between 17 and 54 years (M = 22.65, SD = 6.49). Confirmatory factor  analysis  conducted  on  APS  indicates  that  the  data  adjust  to  the structure of two dimensions, and  reliability coefficients used (? and H) have high magnitudes. APS scores are not adjusted to normality, so the scales were developed  using  percentiles.  The  results  are  discussed  and  guidelines  aresuggested to use the standards


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How to Cite

Normative data of Academic Procrastination Scale in psychology college students from Lima. (2016). Revista Evaluar, 16(1).