Longitudinal Invariance of IPAE in Spanish first-grade students
transcription skills, elementary grades, writing, longitudinal measurement invariance, curriculum-based measurementAbstract
A study was conducted to analyze the factorial structure and longitudinal invariance of the Indicators of Basic Early Writing Skills (IPAE) as Curriculum-Based Measurement (CBM) in Spanish 1st grade students. The proposed model is a one-factor model in which the five IPAE tasks (i.e. allograph selection, dictation of words with arbitrary spelling, dictation of words with regulated spelling, dictation of pseudowords, and dictation of sentences) serve as observable indicators for a single underlying factor (i.e., transcription). The IPAE is composed of three parallel forms (i.e., A, B, and C), and it was administered at three different times to 231 Spanish first-grade students during the school year (beginning, middle, and end). It is concluded that the IPAE presents an adequate construct validity and measurement equivalence that allows the evaluation of first-grade transcription ability over time.
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