Conceptual and Metric Adaptation of the Professional Quality of Life Scale in a Population of Argentinian Psychologists




quality of life, Argentinian psychologists, conceptual adaptation, metric adaptation


The quality of professional life, especially in clinical psychologists, is a relevant issue due to the high incidence of burnout and emotional exhaustion. A non-experimental, cross-sectional, instrumental study was conducted to adapt and validate the Pro-QOL R-IV scale in Argentinian psychologists. Data were obtained through a voluntary and non-probabilistic sampling. A sample of 560 psychologists of mean age 40.7 (SD = 28.37; Min = 23, Max = 67; 67% women, 33% men) was used. In all cases, adequate percentage values and Aiken’s V coefficients were obtained. The exploratory factor analysis grouped 30 items into three latent variables, showing adequate values in the validity tests. Confirmatory factor analysis supported a good fit for the three-factor model. It is concluded that the Pro-QOL-Psi Inventory is a valid and reliable instrument to assess quality of life in Argentine psychologists.


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Author Biographies

  • Leandro Eidman, Universidad Nacional del Chaco Austral - Instituto de Neurociencias Argentina (INAR)

    Departamento de Investigación en Instituto de Neurociencias Argentina. Director Científico. Secretaría de Investigación, Ciencia y Técnica (UNCAUS). Investigador Principal.

  • Daiana Alejandra Zaragoza Seratti, Instituto de Neurociencias Argentina (INAR)

    Departamento de Investigación en Instituto de Neurociencias Argentina. Investigadora.


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How to Cite

Conceptual and Metric Adaptation of the Professional Quality of Life Scale in a Population of Argentinian Psychologists. (2023). Revista Evaluar, 23(3), 77-93.