Opinion on the characteristics of events supposedly of attributable to vaccination and immunization (ESAVI)


  • Melania Stefanía del Milagro González Trabajo final para acceder al título de Lic. en Enfermería. Lic. en Enfermería. Coordinadora de inmunizaciones en Autovac Kempes en Córdoba Capital, Argentina. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2140-4808


Opinion. Vaccines. ESAVI. Healthcare team.


Introduction: The Covid-19 disease is a virus that causes respiratory infections. In virtue of the importance of vaccination, the government of Córdoba, with the aim of providing a new service to the community, inaugurated on the 29th of December of 2020 the first vaccination facility of the city of Córdoba at the Kempes Convention Center and it allowed adults to receive immunity against Covid-19. Simultaneously, other centers were incorporated. In fact, the following observations arise: the users attend consultations between doses after having presented fever and weakness; besides, these manifestations become more acute in older ages. Effects become more evident with the second dose and manifest local pain, which is related to the use of a different technique when applying the first and second doses. As a consequence, it was decided to carry out the study Opinion on the Characteristics of Events Supposedly Attributable to Vaccination and Immunization (ESAVI). Objective: To determine the opinion of the healthcare team and of the population about the characteristics of the ESAVI in an adult population over 18 years of age at the Covid vaccination facility Autovac Kempes in the capital of Córdoba in March of
2022. Methodology: A descriptive, cross-sectional study was performed. Variables: Opinions about the characteristics of the ESAVI and dimensions such as the opinion about the vaccine, the brand of the vaccine, the place of inoculation in the body and the opinion about preexisting diseases. Universe: Healthcare team consisting of doctors, nurses of the facility and the general public. Sample: 218 users of the vaccination facility and personnel of the healthcare team. Primary source: A Google Forms survey was used for data collection. Results: According to the opinion of the population, there were side effects attributable to the vaccine which exacerbated preexisting diseases with an increase of local and systemic reactions as opposed to the opinion of the healthcare team, which considered that the reported results coincide with the expected effects of any other vaccine. Discussion and conclusions: The WHO report (2021) claims that some of the typical side effects are pain in the place of inoculation, fever, tiredness, headache, myalgias, chills and diarrhea. The probability of these effects occurring varies depending on the vaccine and the body. The Covid-19 vaccines only provide protection against the SARSCoV-2 virus; thus, it is important to maintain a good health condition, which coincides with the findings of this study.


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How to Cite

Opinion on the characteristics of events supposedly of attributable to vaccination and immunization (ESAVI). (2022). Crear En Salud, 19. https://revistas.psi.unc.edu.ar/index.php/revcs/article/view/39687